Erasmus+ is the successor of the successful programme Erasmus established in 1987. Erasmus+ is the EU flagship education and training programme for mobility and academic cooperation across Europe and around the world. Since the introduction of the Erasmus+ programme in 2014, more and more student mobility opportunities are in place between EU universities and universities located in the so-called Partner Countries, hence countries outside the EU and beyond Norway, Iceland, Turkey, and FYROM. VUM participates actively in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme (KA107) and its academic community benefits largely from the opportunities for student and staff mobility to VUM partner institutions within the EU, Turkey, and Norway (KA103).
When it comes to student mobility, the Erasmus+ programme has three key benefits and achievements for the students, namely:
If you are a student from a VUM partner university listed here and would like to participate in a student mobility for studies or placement at VUM, please, check the information in the section Incoming Students/Programme Countries (KA131).
If you are a student of a VUM partner university listed here and would like to participate in a student mobility for studies, you are welcome to explore the information in the section Incoming Students/Partner Countries (KA171).
VUM students interested in student mobility for studies at VUM partner universities located in the so-called Programme Countries, could learn more about these opportunities in the section Outgoing Students/Student Mobility for Studies (SMS).
VUM students willing to learn more about the opportunity to have their compulsory summer internship funded through the Erasmus+ programme, shall read the information in the section Outgoing Students/Student Mobility for Traineeships (SMТ).
VUM Erasmus+ Team looks forward to working closely with all prospective, current, and former Erasmus+ incoming and outgoing students.